
9 min read

May 15, 2023

Discover why Node.js is the ultimate choice for creating cloud functions and leveraging the benefits of serverless computing. Learn about the cost-effectiveness, scalability, and simplified development offered by Node.js in building serverless applications on AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions. Unleash the potential of serverless computing with Score Digital.

Why Node.js Is the Best for Creating Functions in the Cloud?

Nowadays, we can notice a growing impact of serverless computing and serverless solutions worldwide. And the cause of that is worth mentioning that Node.js is a very popular choice for this particular computing model. It allows developers to build and run applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. With Node.js, developers can build serverless applications that run on platforms such as AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions, and take advantage of the benefits of serverless computing, including automatic scaling, reduced costs, and increased agility. If you want to learn more about the perks that creating cloud functions with Node.js presents you with, we invite you to read this article!

What Is Serverless Computing?

Serverless computing is a concept that has recently been gaining more and more popularity among developers and the IT industry. In recent years, various types of cloud computing have become very common, since industry leaders appreciate the convenience, scalability, and cost advantages of this flexible approach to infrastructure management.

In serverless computing, the execution model, instead of possessing and maintaining the physical server, allows the providers to allocate resources on the demand-based cloud. In this model, it is also the cloud provider’s responsibility to manage the infrastructure and automatically scale the cloud resources based on demand. This helps to eliminate the need for developers to worry about the underlying infrastructure and focus on writing code for their applications instead.

Cloud service providers (CSPs) are dynamically responding to the growing demand, by offering different models of cloud services, each with its unique level of service. The Function as a Service (FaaS) model is one of the most comprehensive offerings.

What Is The Importance Of FaaS?

Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) is a type of serverless computing that allows developers to deploy and execute individual functions in the cloud. Each function performs a specific task, and it can be invoked through an API or event trigger. FaaS, in general, provides a pay-per-use model, which means developers only pay for the resources used to execute the function, rather than paying for a dedicated server.

What are the advantages of FaaS? Here are the most important ones:


Serverless computing and FaaS can significantly reduce the cost of running applications in the cloud. Since developers only pay for the resources used by their functions, they can save money compared to traditional server-based architectures.


It allows applications to scale dynamically based on demand. Even handling the sudden spikes of traffic in the app without any additional manual intervention.

Simplified development

No need to worry about server maintenance or scaling issues. This can lead to faster development and time-to-market times and therefore - higher productivity.

Improved performance

Thanks to the serverless computing functions that can be executed in parallel, FaaS can provide faster response times. This altogether assures improved performance compared to traditional server-based architectures.


This solution works perfectly for a wide range of applications, including event-driven processing, data processing, and both: mobile and web applications.

FaaS simply provides a new model for building and deploying applications in the cloud. The one that offers several benefits over traditional server-based architectures.

What Is Node.js?

In a few words, Node.js is an open-source, server-side, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. Its main goal is to execute JavaScript code outside of a web browser. Node.js was built on top of the V8 JavaScript engine, which is also used in Google Chrome, and provides an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. This makes it a perfect tool for developing real-time applications that require high scalability and performance.

Node.js was created in 2009 by Ryan Dahl and has since gained widespread popularity among developers all around the world. They love it for its ability to build fast, scalable network applications with ease. Additionally, it provides them with a rich library of modules and tools that can be used to build a variety of applications, including web servers, chat applications, streaming services, real-time data processing systems, and more.

What Are Node.js’s Advantages?

Since we already know what Node.js is and what its main functions are, it's time to focus on the main advantages and explore why developers love to use it. The main benefits of using Node.js in app development are:

Non-blocking I/O

Since Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, it allows it to handle even multiple requests simultaneously without blocking the thread. This makes it highly efficient and scalable in all the projects it is used in.


If you are tired of heavy tools that occupy a lot of memory, you will love Node.js. It is as lightweight as can be and has a small memory footprint. All of this is making it easy to deploy and run on a wide range of systems.

Large ecosystem

You will be pleased to learn that Node.js has a surprisingly huge and active ecosystem of different modules and packages. This makes adding new functionalities and extending the capabilities of your application way easier.

Easy to learn

Node.js uses JavaScript as its base language. This is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages worldwide. Therefore, it is easier for developers to learn Node.js and get started quickly, instead of picking up a different technology.

Real-time applications

Node.js is well-suited for building real-time applications, such as chat applications and online gaming platforms, due to its event-driven architecture and non-blocking I/O.


Node.js is an ideal cross-platform runtime environment since it can run on all: Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.


This environment provides high scalability and can handle even large amounts of traffic with no problem. It can be used to build horizontally scalable applications that can run on multiple servers or instances.

Large and active community

Node.js has a large and active community of developers who contribute to its ecosystem. This means there are many libraries and tools available to simplify the development process.

Why Choose Node.js for Cloud Functions?

All the benefits of Node.js described before makes it a great choice to work with. Most of those reasons apply to the specifics of working with it on the cloud functions as well. But to be honest - that’s not all. Node.js’s modular architecture proves very efficient in serverless computing, adding up to the environment’s benefits.

We have discovered that cloud functions are a fantastic option for quickly and easily turning Node.js applications into hosted services.

Additionally, Node.js has strong integration with the most popular cloud platforms like AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Functions. This allows developers to deploy their functions to the cloud fast and easily and take advantage of cloud-based services and other similar resources with no problem.

Also, let's not forget that, as mentioned beforehand, Node.js’s speed, efficiency, cross-platform compatibility, and ease of use only add up to the fact that picking it as a tool while working on the cloud functions or doing any kind of development based on the serverless computing is simply a great choice.

Node.js vs other programming languages

Trying to compare Node.js to other popular programming languages, firstly you have to remember that Node.js is a run-time environment, while other popular technologies used for cloud functions, including Python, Java, and C# are full-fledged programming languages. In fact, Node.js actually works using JavaScript - one of the most common and well-known programming languages worldwide at the moment.

Node.js’s specificity makes it very well-suited for building scalable network applications. At the same time, it makes it a great choice for building cloud functions, because of its lightweight runtime and non-blocking I/O model. This makes Node.js highly efficient in handling multiple requests simultaneously, which is important for serverless computing. Despite all its benefits, Node.js won’t be the best option for all possible kinds of apps. Sometimes choosing other programming languages, such as: Python, Java or C# might be a better choice instead.

What Are Node.js Use Cases For Cloud Functions?

Node.js is a great tool for building cloud functions due to its asynchronous, event-driven architecture and fast performance. If you are wondering in which use cases Node.js is particularly well-suited for cloud functions, here is what we think:


Node.js can handle incoming webhook requests, parse the data, and even execute custom logic in response. Webhooks are often used for real-time integration between different services or for triggering actions based on external events.

Data processing

Node.js is very good at processing even large amounts of data quickly and efficiently. This makes it a great choice for cloud functions that need to perform data transformation, validation, or enrichment.

IoT and real-time applications

It is also very well-suited for building real-time applications such as chatbots, notification systems, and IoT applications that require low-latency communication between devices and the cloud.


It is also a great choice for building microservices and independently deployable services that work together to create larger applications. Cloud functions built with Node.js can be used to create these microservices in a serverless architecture.

Serverless APIs

With its fast performance and lightweight nature, Node.js is very useful for building serverless APIs that can handle a large volume of requests. These APIs can be used to create scalable web applications, mobile apps, or even backend services.

All the cases above make the use of Node.js very popular even among the major businesses and companies worldwide, such as LinkedIn, Netflix, Uber, Trello, PayPal, NASA, eBay, Medium, Groupon, Walmart, Mozilla, and GoDaddy.

What Are The Best Practices For Use Of The Node.js in The Cloud Functions?

To obtain the best results while working with Node.js on the cloud functions we do recommend implementing some of the best practices, such as:

Keep functions stateless

Since cloud functions are often executed in a distributed environment, it's important to avoid storing any state or data session in the function itself. Instead, we do recommend you use a stateless design pattern that allows horizontal scaling.

Use environment variables for configuration

Try to avoid hard-coding configuration settings. Instead, we suggest you rather use environment variables to store configuration information, such as database credentials, API keys, and other sensitive data.

Use asynchronous programming

Node.js was designed specifically for asynchronous programming. Therefore, make sure your code follows best practices for handling asynchronous operations, such as using promises, async/await, or callbacks.

Handle errors

Cloud functions should have robust error-handling capabilities. Ensure that your code can handle errors smoothly and provide easy-to-understand error messaging to the user.

Optimize for performance

Cloud functions are often billed based on execution time. Try to optimize your code for better performance, by minimizing the number of external calls and using caching when possible.

Use logging and monitoring

We recommend using logging and monitoring tools to track the performance of your functions. Try to identify any errors or bottlenecks, and ensure that your code is running as expected.

Keep the function small and focused

Avoid creating enormous monolithic functions that perform many tasks. Instead, keep your functions small and focused on a specific task, such as handling an HTTP request or processing data.

Use modular design

Break your code into small, reusable modules that can be easily tested and deployed. This makes it easier to maintain and update your code over time.


Make sure your cloud functions are thoroughly tested. This will ensure that they work as expected. We recommend using automated testing tools and techniques to test your code before deploying it to production.

It might sound like a lot, but we promise that by following these suggestions, you can be sure that your Node.js cloud functions are reliable, scalable, and high performing.

Ready To Try Node.js for Your Next Cloud Function Project?

As you could learn from this article Node.js has plenty of advantages making it perfectly suitable to be used for cloud functions. Since serverless computing and cloud functions are some of the fastest developing branches of IT at the moment and probably are its future, it is worth keeping an eye on.

We hope that this portion of knowledge at least has sharpened your appetite for more. If you have some thoughts about Node.js you want to share or maybe need some help with your upcoming project, please do not hesitate to contact us, by clicking the link below.

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Created by

Karol Ludwikowski


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